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Information about the course
ProgramSecond cycle degree course
Course Duration2 years - 120 Credits

The Master of Science in Food Safety and Food Risk Management is a Master study involving teaching activities in more Universities and whose classes are exclusively taught in English. The Master of Science is directed to both Italian students and students from other Countries who are interested to deepen their knowledge regarding the assessment of risks in food and feed and their management, including the development and implementation of safety issues in agro-food production. The continuous increase of global trade is challenging markets and requires drawing up international agreements on sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary matters. Additionally, the negotiations to overcome possible technical barriers hindering WTO agreements require specialists in the agro-food sector. Such skilled specialists may achieve the requested knowledge within an advanced Master Course that is aimed to develop multidisciplinary scientific expertise: such competence will allow the management of risks (already present or emerging ones) associated to the production of food and feed, together with their sustainability.

Course content 
During the first year, the educational plan foresees teaching classes at the University of Parma, in order to get competences on features, properties and traceability of food and feed, their possible chemical and microbiological modifications during production and processing, and issues related to raw material safety. During the second year, teaching classes will be held at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Reggio Emilia Campus). The educational plan foresees an in-depth and detailed study on safety and management of food/feed of plant origin, with emphasis on risk evaluation, mitigation and management in primary productions, in a context of global trade. Additionally, losses along the food production processes will be thoroughly addressed, together with problems posed by microbial contaminations, mycotoxins and pesticide residues.

Career opportunities 
The MSc graduate in Food Safety and Food Risk Management is active at different levels along the agro-food chain, including that part involving the development of a targeted legislation regulating safety and sustainability of agro-food production. In international agencies and organisations, in institutions involved in food safety surveillance, in agro-food companies and industries, MSc graduates play a major role in activity planning, coordination, responsibility and accountability related all aspects of safety and sustainability of processes and products. Finally, MSc graduates are responsible for purveyance and handling of raw materials, for supervision of production processes, development of innovative products, their marketing and large-scale distribution at national and/or international level

Additional education after the MSc degree 
The MSc graduate may consider to further apply a PhD position in a Doctorate school, in Italy or abroad: particularly indicated are those PhD schools where the teaching plan and the goals allow the advanced education of highly skilled specialists and executives in the area of food and feed safety and control.

For further information please visit the OFFICIAL SITE here .